Sunday, March 09, 2014

That XY vs This XX

Assalamualaikum people.

After hibernating from this pathetic blogosphere, living with books like... *maybe you can call me nerdy till the end of this month*

“Kak Farah pun tengah confuse merepek pasal apa ini. Maaf...”

OK. Kalau bukan student Hayat pun rasanya dah sangat familiar apa itu XX dan XY. Bunyi macam hebat sangat tapi sebenarnya XX=women , XY=men. Sengaja nak apply ilmu genetic Puan Azlina dekat sini. Allah... Nak share tapi batttery phone habis, material dalam phone itu...



OK. Let's read! *Tolonglah excited*
Sebenarnya hari ini hanya nak share antara fakta yang Kak Farah dapat masa CSI dulu. And that was... almost a month ago. Tapi ilmu itu tak pernah basi atau decompose by microorganism right?


  • Male's brain is larger than female's by 10%, have more cortical neurons, 13% greater neuronal density than females.
  • Studies on 24 000 British students : twice as many men as women with IQ scores of 125, and 5.5 men for every women have IQ 155 ( genius ).
  • Women less in weight, height, and body organs than men by 10%.
  • Women have shorter head, broader face, less protruding chin, shorter legs and longer trunk.
  • The first finger of a woman's hand is longer than the third, it is the reverse in man.
  • Woman have a larger stomach, kidneys, liver and appendix, and smaller lungs than men.
  • Women : menstruation, pregnancy, lactation,  these functions are totally absent in men.
  • Red blood cells count in women's lesser by 20% than men.
  • Women's hearts are 25% smaller than men's, and their beat is faster ( 80 vs 72 beats/minute )
  • Lung capacity of men is 25-30% greater.
  • Men have 50% greater total mass than that of women, women are weaker by 20% relatively than same size man
  • Women account for 90% of those who suffer from lupus
  • 80% of people with osteoporosis are women

In Islam,

"Men are the protectors (qiwamah) and maintainers of women" QS [An-Nisa' 4:34]
  • Inheritance : A woman inherits half. " to the male, a portion equal to that of two females" [An-Nisa' 4:11] . This is full justice, since a man is obliged to spend his money on the household.
  • Clothing : The awrah of men and women are different,
  • Testimony : "And call uon two of your men to act as witnesses; and if two men are not available, then a man and two women" [Al-Baqarah 2:282]
  • Marital rights : Women are allwed to marry a Muslim man only. "And give not (your daughters) in marriage to disbelievers" [Al-Baqarah 2:221]
  • Travel: A man may travel without his wife or any mahram, but not women.
In cases where a distinction is made between, the Muslim should regard that as mercy from Allah and a sign of His Glorious Knowledge. A disbeliever sees it as a sign of oppression and injustice, and stubbornly insists that men and women should be equal in all aspects.

Sekadar gambar hiasan sebab suka sangat gambar ini, Kak Nisa dengan Zauj . Sebenarnya suka baju dia. OK!
B MasyaAllah House
We may be differ in many aspects, tapi perbezaan itulah yang memungkinkan kita untuk saling melengkapi, memenuhi segala ruang kekurangan diri dan mendapat sesuatu dari kelebihan sesorang itu.Allah... Tak perlulah nak gaduh, tarik-tarik rambut untuk merebut hak kesamarataan dalam semua aspek. Sebaliknya, ambil ibrah dan gunakan kelebihan yang kita ada itu untuk kebaikan bersama. Kebaikan bersama? Ya!

P/s : Pergilah buat tutorial Hazwani, lagi tiga minggu nak final. Pray for me sayang-sayangku sekalian :) Ada lagi satu tajuk yang dari dulu nak share, dari mata hati, tapi InSya'Allah lepas buat soalan pass year masa Study Week nanti.

بارك الله لك

السلام عليكم

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