Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Hyde, Jekyll and I

"Kak Farah, you've seen it! You've seen it, right? Amboi, mentang-mentang cuti lama, goyang kaki dekat rumah. Jealous tau..."

"What? At least give me the chance to give the salaam first, people..."

Assalamualaikum dear Hyde and Jekyll...

"Hyde and Jekyll only? Kami?"

"Well... Itu hanya perlambanganlah awak. It's in your hands anyway, nak jadi Hyde atau Jekyll, terpulang."


Sabda Rasulullah  ﷺ 

 وَمَنْ سَتَرَ مُسْلِمًا سَتَرَهُ اللَّهُ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ
“Dan barangsiapa yang menutupi aib seorang muslim, Allah akan menutupi aibnya pada hari kiamat”. (HR. Bukhari & Muslim).
Dia sembunyikan (hide) kelemahan kita, keburukan kita, bukan untuk bagi ruang kepada kita untuk terus melakukan perkara tersebut. But He makes them invincible for a while to give us the time and space to repent. Do it? Repent! Again and again till your last breath.
"Tapi kan Kak Farah, saya dah buat macam-macam. Saya dah taubat pun, saya still buat lagi. Malulah..."
"Awak, bila awak rasa bersalah bila buat salah, maknanya Dia masih rindulah itu. Masih ada rasa takut, masih ada taqwa dan iman. Tak rasa macam itu?"


"Ahha, ini saya tahu. Related to that famous textile storehouse owner, right? Rajin, bijak mencari peluang, berani menanggung risiko, macam yang kita belajar dalam subjek KH masa Form 3 dulu kan Kak? In the end, success! He succeed in making it well-known. Kan Kak Farah?"

Well, I guess you do make a lot of research on Jakel huh? But, I have my own definition.

Jackal : a small carnivorous mammal of the genus Canis, which includes the wolf, dog and coyote.

What? Baby panda just wanna say Hi after the hectic exam days. OK fine..

Nah. Cute coyote pup. Kecil comellah, dah besar sikit nanti jahat kejar roadrunner

"Now I get it Kak Farah. This time for real!"
"정말 (jong mal = really) ?"
"Animal-like human being. Rather having that kind of humanity, a bad person with animal-like behaviour."
OK. Mungkin kita boleh tutup blog sekarang sebab adik-adik sekarang jauh lebih pandai daripada Si Penulis yang suka merapu ini. Just, sooooo not like me back then.
Thoughtless. Violence. Rude.
Tapi, bila difikirkan balik, kadang-kadang haiwan itu jauh lebih bagus, sedangkan kita ini manusia, dikurniakan akal. Tak begitu?

Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding.
Who remember Allah while standing or sitting or [lying] on their sides and give thought to the creation of the heavens and the earth, [saying], "Our Lord, You did not create this aimlessly; exalted are You [above such a thing]; then protect us from the punishment of the Fire. 

Surat 'Āli `Imrān (Family of Imran) : 190-191

Jadi manusia jangan pernah rasa bangga dan sombong. Belajarlah, walaupun dari sekecil-kecil semut. OK?


And Kak Farah is still the old Kak Farah. With that kind of split personality, Hyde dan Jekyll masih bersama-sama menjadi teman setia.

"Tak faham..."

Kak Farah pun sebenarnya tak faham apa Kak Farah cakap sebenarnya. For instance, when I was with this group of people, automatically jadi pendiam, when I was with this group of people, automatically jadi gila-gila. Something like that. Memang dari kecil, jadi begitu. Bukan senang nak ubah. Depends on the environment and situation sebenarnya. 

I think that's all for today. Just, terfikir tadi dah lama tak update sebab malas. Malas? Kak Farah pun ada kemalasan dia tersendirilah. 

Ma'assalama wa ilalliqa' ya readers yang setia :)

بارك الله لك

السلام عليكم 

P/s : Doakan Kak Farah. Mak dah tanya pasal result test 1.2 itu. Allah...